Trust. Trust is huge for the Christian community in Mexico. Why? Because that's the best thing they have ... and it goes hand in hand with faith. Evidence of that for me was on Thursday when Jarod fell ill. When Effron found out, the first thing -- the very first thing he did -- was place his hand on Jarod and pray. He prayed in spanish and finished in english. I wish I could remember his prayer in my tongue. I forget how it came about, but within minutes, Effron was sharing with Vince and I why he had just prayed for healing.
"Because we don't have medicine down here, we can't afford medicine," he said. "We have a healer, it's the best thing we can rely on."
Trust. As Effron and I spoke in the living room and later on the sundeck of the church, tears came to my eyes as I came to see how faith and trust must work together. Effron had faith God would heal, and trusted that he would see the fruits of that faith in the healing. Jarod did get well again, only after a trip to a hospital in the states. I wonder if healing would have been taken place more miraculously if we Canadians, we 'Americans' had the same faith as the Christian community of Mexico.
"You're faith has healed you," said Jesus to the blind beggar (Luke 18:42). When Jesus saw the faith of the paralyzed man and his friends, he brought healing (Luke 5:20). It wasn't just the faith of the one needing a miracle, but the faith of those who brought him to see Jesus -- his friends. As Effron prayed for Jarod I thought, That's the way it should be, but I never really blieved it would work. Only when we had brought him back to the States, to a hospital, in the hands of trained and educated doctors did I think he would be okay. Where did that faith go? ... or better yet ... why are we not raised with such faith in our Western world?
If there is one thing I want to leave Mexico with and take back with me to Canada, to BC ... to this house ... it's a faith that God will do and a trust that I will see Him do it.