Thursday, February 23, 2006

happy birthday swift!

It was a mere 12 months ago that she was born. Or should I say 'adopted'. Brought into the family. And was she ever a beaute! Beautiful, bright, sparkling eyes; silky smooth exterior; clean emissions; healthy sheen. That's my Swift! Instead of the once-a-year birthday-only gift giving, I opted for a much more extended and expensive show of appreciation. Here's how she all added up:

Purchased at 178,000km @ $1200.00

1) Engine Tune Up: $100.00
2) New Tires: $230.00
3) Five Oil Changes: $120.00
4) New Exhaust System: $300.00
5) New Windshield Wipers: $30.00
6) New Pair of Brakes: $80.00
7) New Headlights: $30.00
8) Re-attach passenger mirror: $1.50 (screws)
9) Re-attach driver's mirror: $1.50 (screws)
10) Pliers to remove old mirror screws: $2.00
11) Screwdriver to attach replacement mirrors: $15.00
12) Gas to keep 'er runnin': $1200.00
13) Insurance to keep 'er legal: $1200.00?
14) Tickets to stop me speedin': $530.00

Current Odometer: 216,000
Total Mileage: 38,000 km
Total for all this TLC: $5040.00
Cost / Kilometre: $7.55

Owning a car: priceless.

Happy Birthday Swift!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


It happened one afternoon in late summer, 2005. My little Swift was perfectly parked parallel on the pavement on a little side street in Abbotsford. There were kids about. Kids with balls. Large, rubbery balls. In a moment of misjudgment, one of these large rubbery balls beelined towards my little Swift's passenger side mirror. Poor thing didn't see it coming, it was too busy looking backwards.

February, 2006. My little Swift was perfectly parked on the pavement behind the parish. There were kids about. Kids with, well, balls...different kinds of balls. In a moment of misjudgment and perceived courageousness, one of these kids decides it would be fun to even up the look of my car. Like it's twin, Mirror #2 was too busy looking backwards. It never saw him coming. Oh, Swift.