holey jeans batman!
currently listening to: matt good. white light rock and roll review. good stuff. on to matters of the day. it was sunny. super sunny and warm and sunny and blue skies and mountainous distances and sunny. BC extraordinaire! the day was spent in the church running a team meeting for our summer mission trip to california and then doing all the last-minute-planning for a church service that ended two hours ago. sundays are no longer a day of rest. i'm tired, my feet are sore and i always leave services in which i am involved in planning wondering if things could have been different. or if things should have been different. or if i need to just sit back and understand that God enjoyed it. services can be stress city. i was gonna write about a holey jean incident that happened last week, but in the end decided it wasn't worth it. the title's staying though. i like it. two more days of work before i hit the beaches of california. i intend to spend my time soaking in much of the sun i missed out on today. good times had by all...