the path i'm on...
Why is it that some people, by the time they're five years old, know exactly what they want to do with their life? Why am I 26 and still figuring it out? As of September, I'll be on a new adventure. Paid youth work didn't stick. It was had it's moments, it's joys, it's frustrations...but ultimately, it didn't stick. It couldn't stick. I can do it and I can make it look good, but the work of youth ministry is not my passion. I have a passion for youth, I've determined that (ha! I do have a passion), but it's not something I want to get paid to do. I don't want it to be an obligation. I want to be involved with youth out of a desire of my heart, not out of a desire from my wallet. Frick. I hope that thought stays in my head. Frick again. What the heck do I do now? I'm pretty confident that I 'fell into line' [see previous post], but it leaves so many unanswered questions. I think that as much as there are people out there who have one objective goal for work, there are others of us who just don't know what to do because either the options are overwhelming, or what we most want to do will cost a fortune or will cost a lot of time. Or all three. Or the thing we want to do most of all is out of our reach because VIA Rail isn't hiring right now. ha. Frick x3.
1 comment:
Hey....I'm Kim and I'm a total stranger lol...but I came across your blog on the lifeteam website. I'm currently seeking God to see if this is what He is calling me to do next in my life. I was reading your blogs, and this one about "passion for youth" is one i relate to so much. I'm still seeking what kind of work God wants me to do with this passion he's given me. I was wondering if you could talk more about your experience with lifeteam?
my email address is Hope we can talk more! thanks! and sorry for this completely random post ! lol
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