Wednesday, May 09, 2007

shooting stars and satellites.

One of the amazing things about the North is the vastness of stars. I’ve noticed them several times while on my drive from Aroland to Nakina late at night, and tonight I decided to just sit on the back porch and stare at them for a while. There are two things that amaze me about the night sky: shooting stars and satellites. If you watch the night sky long enough, you will eventually see the dim light of a satellite as it maintains its orbit around the earth. To think that we have left our mark in the vastness of space is amazing. Yet, amazing as they are, they are in no comparison to nature’s satellites. The fact that there are objects crashing to earth, burning up in the atmosphere with such fanfare and beauty, blows my mind. It’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day and forget that we are just a speck in the vastness of this universe. Literally, just a speck. What is man that You are mindful of him?


em & em said...

Outer space is very amazing!! It so obviously displays God's creativity. The planets are insane too. There's a planet that has a tornado the size of earth that's 300 years old.

Anonymous said...

are there really so many sattelites up there? I've been watching, and I always thought that they were shooting stars too!
Indeed, Very Amazing!